YouTube for Prophets 

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God-ordained Marriage Academy


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How to Write a Book


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Create Wealth


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How to Interpret Your Dreams


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Dream Interpretation Part 2


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God-ordained Marriage Prep Boot Camp


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90 Day Accountability Group 


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Meet Your Instructor


Taquila Coleman is a highly sought after Life Coach, 4x Bestselling author and founder of  God-Ordained Marriages. She support God-ordained Spouses with preparing for their love story.

 Marriage Boot Camp Member"

I wanted to share how appreciative I am of having been a part of your Marriage boot camp. The very first week you said your goal was to not only give us understanding and insight about our God Ordained Marriages, but help us gain confidence to walk in it when it comes back – and your bootcamp and videos did just that!

When I started this journey in waiting for my prodigal, it was very confusing and mostly because I didn’t understand I had one lol, or what was going on – but your insight and knowledge brought so much comfort in your wisdom and insight about the situations, mindsets, and how to move forward. Equipping us with the tools to heal and see ourselves as worthy of the promise in preparation for the return, was just the icing on the cake.

I strongly STRONGLY recommend anyone called to a God Ordained Marriage to take your bootcamp and like the bible says, get understanding!! ‘Cause It was a game changer for me and brought me so much peace!! I’ve moved from being anxious for the promise, to joy and hopeful expectation; so thank you again and again for your obedience and the time you took to orchestrate this camp! May God bless you exceedingly above and beyond all that you can ask, think, or imagine!!


Marriage Boot Camp Member


What have I learned from the boot camp? 

I am more confident that I’m actually hearing from God. I can discuss it with boldness and without hesitation like I’m asking a question. 

I’m learning that I resort back to my old mindset and actions with the GOS. 

I was angry with the GOS.

God told me he can’t send him back as long as I’m angry with him.

Next…You come along and teach us we have to forgive the GOS.

God is amazing. 

I’m so grateful that I was permitted to be a part of this group. 

It’s crazy how we are all different…How our story is different….and God is telling us all the same things. 

Thank you  Taquila for doing what you do.




Marriage Boot Camp Member


What I’ve learned while waiting on breakthrough


I have begun making decreeing and dispatching my angels due to some of your teachings. I really appreciate you and the worksheets that you provided us with are extremely helpful resources. I’m glad that we went through the questions together during our meeting and they have already helped me identify some things within myself that need to be improved, the purpose of our GOM, and things I need to be praying for concerning my GOS. Recently I became discouraged because of the wait but being a part of this community and the time spent in the breakout room listening to the other ladies’ stories helps me to see that I’m not alone in this. 




Elle Jaye

"The boot camp has been such a blessing. We’re all in different phases of our GOLS but there’s still common ground. I’ve purchased all the books 📚 you’ve recommended and are excited to dive deeper into what God is doing. I’ll say this, rejection is tough. I’ve only had a couple of face to face interactions with my GOS and I wasn’t like “oh God, that’s him; praise Your Holy name”, lol. In fact, it was the opposite. I found him to be arrogant, condescending, sure of himself, no fruit really. I’ve even asked God to send me another mate because I don’t want to deal with this guy. And not to mention the last time I saw him was October 2021 and the last time he called was January of 2022 in which I realized he was heartbroken 💔 over someone and was using me to vent😞. God has moved me from Georgia to the Midwest and part of that is because of this GOM. This is a place I would never move to on my own. God has blessed me and I’m forever grateful but I’m like God, what’s up? How long do I have to be here? Does this guy even know I’m his wife? Why is he so slow, deaf, dumb, and blind, lol? Surely You didn’t have me leave everything, pack up my kids and what I could fit in my car just to embarrass me?  But no, that’s not my Father. He’s SO GOOD!!! I know this is my ‘promised land’! 

It’s tough, it hurts and I want to throw in the towel sometimes but Romans 8:28 says all things work for my good. I’m a prophet, an intercessor; a soldier in the army of The Lord. The race is not given to the swift or to the strong, but to the one that endures. Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit🙌🏾 "